Kids Intelligence Study E-Book Education Touch Reading Sound English learning Books for Kids
Kids Intelligence Study E-Book Education Touch Reading Sound English learning Books for Kids
Read mode also present which reads all the content on the page automatically 2.5+ kids can use this book
Operated with 3 batteries.10 pages are there for kids learning and gaming activities
Each page has a start button to activate each page
Question also included in the book system. Once u click on the question buttons , book start asking kids questions and kid has to give the answer by touching the correct answer button.
It's a touching book with one touch pen included
100 percent Brand new
Made From High Quality Grade Material
Budget Friendly
High Performance rate
User Friendly
Easy to Use
Read mode also present which reads all the content on the page automatically 2.5+ kids can use this book
Operated with 3 batteries.10 pages are there for kids learning and gaming activities
Each page has a start button to activate each page
Question also included in the book system. Once u click on the question buttons , book start asking kids questions and kid has to give the answer by touching the correct answer button.
It's a touching book with one touch pen included
100 percent Brand new
Made From High Quality Grade Material
Budget Friendly
High Performance rate
User Friendly
Easy to Use